
History of Doctoral Program in Marine Science

By: Ashari Wicaksono, S. Kel., M.Si., M.Sc

The establishment of the Doctor of Marine Sciences Study Program (PS MIK) at Diponegoro University is based on the need for competence and knowledge comparable to Doctor of Marine Sciences, which have previously not been particularly taught and arranged by an Indonesian degree programme. This is supported by Diponegoro University’s Main Scientific Orientation, namely the Development of Coastal and Tropical Sea Regions, which is a unique feature in Indonesia, and the Faculty of Fisheries’ Strategic Plan, which focuses on strategies for achieving superior tropical fisheries and marine development in 2020 (FPIK Strategic Plan 2012-2016).

The implementation of PS MIK at Diponegoro University is an example of excellence that is intended to grow and play a long-term function, as well as to stimulate healthy competition both inside the Undip postgraduate program and at the national level. Diponegoro University’s implementation of PS MIK is also part of the university’s major objective as a World Class University in implementing the Three Pillars of Higher Education and developing into a Research University with legal entity status. PS MIK Undip’s formation is also part of the government’s attempts to boost the development of human resources with expertise in the maritime industry. Strong human resources are required to fuel the growth of the maritime sector, which is now the key focus of development for the Indonesian government, as mentioned in the President of the Republic of Indonesia’s Nawa Cita. Mandatory RPJP (for RPJMN III): Consolidating overall growth in many domains by stressing competitive economic competitiveness based on the advantages of excellent Natural Resources and Human Resources, as well as expanding science and technology capabilities as the cornerstone for a developed country (RPJMN IV 2020-2025). One of the objectives of natural resource development and the environment, which is one of the pillars of development in Indonesia, is the management of natural resources and biodiversity in them, maritime development, and mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

More specifically, the requirement for human resources who understand the marine industry is critical for attempts to accomplish the Marine Development Goals outlined in the 2015-2019 RT-RPJMN Marine Development Agenda, namely:

  1. The preservation of the environment’s function and marine life resources
  2. Conservation and restoration efforts are prioritized to achive: (I) Strengthening and expanding the extent of marine conservation areas from 15.7 million hectares in 2013 to 20 million ha in 2019: (ii) Improving the effectiveness of management in the 35 designated conservation areas; and (iii) restoring 85 damaged and recovered coastal regions.
  3. Accelerate the establishment of institutions that manage maritime security in an integrated way, and expand the scope of fisheries and marine resource supervision to 53.4 percent of Indonesian fishing areas.



To become a Master of Marine Science Study Program with national and international excellent reputation in 2025.



  1. Organize a master’s degree program in Marine Science that is outstanding.
  2. Conduct research and publish scientific papers that will have a significant influence on the advancement of marine science and technology.
  3. Organize community service as a contribution to the larger community’s use of marine science and technology.
  4. Contribute significantly to the advancement of marine science and technology in the sectors of conservation and biotechnology, in order to generate high-integrity potential experts, by implementing professional education, research, and community service initiatives.
